Frequency Wordbook

Revisit the words in your life and become fluent!


Capture and organize the words in your life into lists such as work-related (e.g. Work), class-related (e.g. Biology/Economics/etc.), or travel-related (e.g. Thai phrases).


Test with varying time limits, number of questions per session, reverse questioning, and hiding or displaying supplemental subtexts for additional review.


Option to store your lists into your iCloud account to maintain your created lists across multiple devices.


Lists with the option to Hide the word entry keyword, Flip the word entry order, or Shuffle the entire list. Users can also Move word entries to a different list or Revisit the word entry by placing it at the end of the list. In addition, lists can be imported or exported into the app via CSV format.

"Great for learning new languages, academic definitions, or useful phrases for traveling."

Become Fluent

Hear something, see something.

Enter and save in app.

Review it whenever/wherever and become fluent.